Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dodge The Ball, Not The Workout

YES! I dodged the gym tonight, but I got more than a workout dodging bright yellow foam balls! The local Charleston Sports and Social Club started up it's Wintersports league, and I'm signed up for dodgeball. Not something I'd usually get into. The thought of several balls flying at me at who knows how many miles per hour, and the risk of them hitting my face was not a pleasant thought. Turns out it doesn't really hurt, check out our game:

So when you hear Natalie, one of the longest-serving players on the team, say it's a workout, she wasn't lying. I woke up the next day and I could feel soreness in the muscles in my back, my abs, my thighs, my calves, and my right arm!!! OW! I took the next day off from the gym to let my muscles rest.

Unfortunately the
CSSC's Wintersports league sign up is over, but check back for spring. Hope to see you out there next time, and in the words of Ben Stiller's movie Dodgeball, "Just remember the five D's of dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and... Dodge! -Patches O Houlihan

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