Friday, September 16, 2011

Hello Trim. 3! Hello Headaches!

I'm huge and I have headaches everyday! Well hello to you Third Trimester! Before going on about this wonderful time in pregnancy, we need to take a look back at what baby's been up to!

-Baby "Liam" flew on a plane! We visited San Francisco, where daddy William had a pharmacy conference. (We also caught up with some old friends, Hi Kevin, Lauren, and Margo!)

-All my old high school friends from ten years ago saw me preggo! It was our reunion at Miler Country Club.

-I passed the 24 week mark, and my glucose tolerance test. They make you drink a sweet fruit juice type drink before taking a blood sample, to see how your body processes the sugar. I passed!

-Liam's baby friend Eliana was born! She's too cute! And Zephylia and me the day before she delivered!

Anyway, baby and I have grown TREMENDOUSLY in this sixth month. The headaches have been so bad, but I try to drink a lot of water, and I take tylenol as it is the only pain reliever Dr. B and Dr. Daddy William say are safe for a pregnant woman.

In other big news my sister in law Elizabeth is now engaged to her longtime boyfriend Randy! Yay Elizabeth and Randy! We'll be visiting them this weekend. We will also be doing a See Me 3D sneak peak in Summerville Saturday afternoon. I'm also planning to try out my first prenatal yoga class on Sunday. I'll keep you posted! Have a nice weekend!